About Me:
Moira Hutchison is a Mindset Cultivator and Energy Healer whose focus is helping people who struggle with motivation and are feeling overwhelmed. She helps people to remove their mindset blocks, feel balance and calmness so they can feel in alignment with their purpose in this world without suffering from poor health and burnout.
It is her passion to show people that they are the solution they have been looking for all along. When people feel confused and stuck, especially in the Western world, we are conditioned to search for the silver bullet, the quick fix so we can tune out of our stressful life.
Moira offers people with cancer and their families a professional, caring service that psychologically supports and assists them through every stage of their illness. This is accomplished by using a personalized blend of hypnotherapy, guided meditation EFT (Emotion Freedom Technique), Reiki, positive affirmations & visualizations and mindset coaching.
About my Practice:
Hypnosis visualization is a mind-body therapy designed to complement traditional treatments, by reducing the client's fears and anxieties, and to help them positively engage in their treatment. Hypnosis Visualization encompasses a focused mindset aided by positive lifestyle changes in the form of diet and exercise.
In essence – Hypnosis Visualization for Cancer Care allows for the development of a “Positive Expectancy” at each stage of the illness whilst instilling a “Motivation to Be Well”.
The aim of Hypnosis Visualization is to offer those experiencing and dealing with cancer a legitimate, professional and caring service, intended to compliment the treatments and protocols that they may already be involved with.
The Hypnosis Visualization approach will show you how stress in the immune system from both long-term stresses and a series of recent major traumas can lower your immune system’s effectiveness and deter or diminish good health. Restoring your psychology (including your negative or fear based subconscious inner voices) to a more positive mind-set can strengthen your immune system and have a positive effect on your recovery and your ongoing well-being.
This modality helps you to be a more active participant in your health and focus upon key areas that may need changing. One session will demonstrate the strength of this therapeutic approach. Many sessions will help you navigate the various challenges you face and take you deeper into that inner wisdom we all have, allowing you to produce the best possible level of well-being, balance and harmony you can.